Ufone TikTok Packages

Ufone, as a big telecom company, and provides Ufone TikTok Packages knows what its customers need.

In today’s modern world, every second person uses Tik Tok, and it’s the most downloaded app in the world right now. So, as expected, Ufone also made some offers for its users. 

Ufone divided these packages into daily, weekly, and monthly, and especially, the packages are priced at a low price, so let’s get into it..

Daily Ufone TikTok Packages

Getting into the daily section, we have the Ufone daily package, and the prices of both packages are the same.The first offer contains the 2 gbs of internet, and it is more than enough for tiktok

The second offer contains 500 MBS of internet for all platforms and 75 MBS just for TikTok.If I were in your place, I would recommend the first package as it contains 2gbs of internet just for TikTok, which is more than enough.

Ufone TikTok Packages

Both packages are good from separate perspectives, but here are the subscription codes for the packages, the first being *550# and the code for the second package being *2258#

Ufone TikTok Packages based on 3-Days

There is a section in between you can utilise this 3 day offer for a fair price of 35 pkr, and you can get 500 MBs of data for all platforms, and you can get 100 MBS for tik tok which is enough for 3 days, and then the subscription code for this package is *3350#

Weekly Ufone TikTok Packages

In the weekly section, there is the Ufone weekly offer, or should I say weekly tiktok package, and after subscribing to this package, you can get 4 Gbs of data for only tiktok for a whole month, which is more than enough, and you can not beat the piece at just 70 pkr

You should get this offer and fully use it and the plus thing about this package is that you can upload unlimited videos then finally, the code for  this offer is *2345#

Another good thing about this package is that if you watch 5 hours of content in a whole week, then the MBS of the package will remain if you have not used the package fully, which means that you have not consumed all the MBS fully!

Monthly Ufone TikTok Packages

Going onto the monthly Ufone offer, first and only in line is the Monthly Ufone Tik Tok offer, and it is mind-blowing how Tiktok can offer this much at just this price. In this package, you get 18 gbs of data for all platforms. As a user, I also had this package, and you get 9 gbs of internet from 1 am to 9 am. 

This package is very useful for people who wake up in the morning from between 5 am and 6 am to pray or run. This offer is especially for those types of people, and this offer can be utilised by people who wake up early in the morning.

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